About Us
TLC Barefoot School
TLC is a Christian school, located in the Delmas 75, Ouest neighborhood of Port Au Prince, Haiti. The children salute the Haitian flag, sing the Haitian national anthem, and begin each school day with a devotion and prayer. In addition, the children have Bible classes separated by age level, and the students have a memory verse in all subjects. Christianity is included throughout the curriculum, and the children are presented with the plan of salvation. Most of the songs used in the school are Christian songs and hymns, and the children are disciplined based on Christian principles. The children say or sing grace before meals, and many of the students attend Haitian churches. Some have even been baptized. In addition, the school provides opportunities for the family to get involved, by inviting families to attend special occasions. Normally, a group from the US comes to do Vacation Bible School during Spring Break. Others come do work projects like building, tiling, and plumbing, help in the library, provide teacher, tutoring and Bible lessons.
Schooling at TLC Barefoot School
There are some places that try to get Haitian children adopted into US families. While this may be a good approach for some children, for others, a different option could be best for them. The philosophy of TLC is to educate students so they can stay in Haiti and grow to become upstanding, contributing citizens of the country, also to the Christian community.
Many of our students come from large families and have many siblings. It is our policy to accept no more than two children from one family, with the idea to spread the limited resources and schooling over a broader base. When one or two of the children in a family receive education, they typically share their education and go on to teach other family members, including the parents.
Parents come to school each grading period for parent-teacher conferences for progress reports. Parents are required to sign the report card. Often, the child has taught the parent to write their name. Many of the students are the first generation to receive any sort of education, and the children are able to share their learning experiences with their family members. It might help you to realize that most if not all of the TLC children do not have electricity, running water or much furniture in their homes. It is amazing to see the bright, shining faces of the children as they come to school each morning - clean, well dressed and very eager to learn.